支援先NGOは「特定非営利活動法人 アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク」です。ラダックと日本が共通して持っている仏教文化というつながりもあります。また、アーユスはさまざまなNGOの活動をサポートするNGOですので、大規模な団体による復興支援とは違う、細かい動きの取れるNGOならではの復興支援をサポートすることになると期待しております。以下はアーユスから届いたお礼状ですので報告として転載いたします。
- シェア=国際保健協力市民の会 【宮城県気仙沼市:在宅医療支援】
- パレスチナ子どものキャンペーン【岩手県大槌町:子どものケア、写真整理など】
- シャプラニール=市民による海外協力の会【福島県いわき市:緊急物資支援】
- CODE海外災害援助市民センター【被災地各地:炊き出しなど】
- 国際ボランティアセンター山形【被災地各地:災害コーディネーター、物資支援など】
- 国際協力NGOセンター【宮城県仙台市、東京:災害コーディネーター】
- 難民支援協会【岩手県陸前高田市、宮城県気仙沼市:難民、外国人支援、法的支援】
- 日本国際ボランティアセンター【福島県南相馬市:コミュニティラジオ支援】
特定非営利活動法人 アーユス仏教国際協力ネットワーク
代表者 茂田真澄(浄土宗勝楽寺住職)
所在地 東京都江東区清澄3-4-22
Dear Friends of Ladakh
On behalf of ayus, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of 170,000 yen (equivalent to Rs 9,241,352). Your contribution makes it possible for us to support Japanese NGOs that are working for Tsunami-affected people.
ayus (http://www.ayus.org/index.html) is supporting several Japanese “international cooperative” NGOs that have started working on Tsunami affected areas taking advantage of their original international activities as below: - Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE) http://share.or.jp/english/ ・Health care service at home mainly in Kesen’numa-city, Miyagi.
- Campaign for the Children of Palestine (CCP) http://ccp-ngo.jp/salam.html ・Take advantage of their experience of working on Palestinian children since 1986, under this circumstances, CCP are supporting children activities in Otsuchi-cho, Iwate
- ShaplaNeer=Citizens' Committee in Japan for Overseas Support (Shaplaneer) http://www.shaplaneer.org/ ・They are working on delivery of emergency provision and assisting coordination of Nakoso Volunteer Center in Iwaki-city, Fukushima.
- International Volunteer Center of Yamagata http://www.ivyivy.org/ ・Coordinating for disaster response, delivery of emergency provision in various affected areas. Creating job opportunities for Tsunami-affected people in Ishinomaki, Miyagi.
- Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation http://www.janic.org/ ・Coordinating for disaster response in Sendai-city, Miyagi
- Japan Association for Refugees http://www.refugee.or.jp/ ・Consultation for foreign residents, legal assistance in Rikuzen-takada city, Miyagi
- Japan Volunteer Center http://www.ngo-jvc.net/ ・Supporting community radio broadcast in Minami-soma city, Fukushima.
Once again thank you for your generous donation.
Sincerely, Shincho Shigeta
ayus Network of Buddhist Volunteers on International Cooperation
3-4-22 Kiyosumi Koto Tokyo Japan 135-0024
Network of Buddhist Volunteers for International Cooperation
ayus is a Japanese NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) for international cooperation founded in 1993 by a group of Buddhist monks in Japan from a wide range of sects or denominations. 300 members, mainly monks and temples, regularly support our organization supports our activities.
Based on the teachings of Buddhism, especially ‘compassion and loving-kindness’, ayus is concerned with global issues such as poverty, social injustice, and environment problems. ayus financially supports NGOs for international cooperation that are based in Japan and pursue structural and fundamental solutions of these problems. Our uniqueness is to provide the funds not for projects abroad, but for the salaries of administrative staff members in NGOs’ headquaters, believing that it helps strengthen the foundations of recipient NGOs and civil society. Meanwhile, we also support NGOs that work in emergency situations caused by human rights violations and natural as well as man-made disasters.
In addition to supporting NGOs, ayus also strives to raise awareness of people in Japan about global issues by providing up-to-date information on global issues through member Buddhist temples. We believe that Buddhist temples in Japan play important roles to connect people of the world to each other. We are always concerned about people currently facing difficulties in the world and pray for them.